vineri, 4 iunie 2010

One love for hip hop...

This realatively new way of expresion in music,art,dance,fashion and ultimately lifestyle clearly dominated my youth.It mad me be the classic teen rebel ,with the weird wardrobe, over-usage of english, gestures and hobbies, it was my summer of love, it was my Woodstock it was all that a beautiful life in highschool could give you. Hip hop ment everything , from the way i dressed , to the kind of people i met.Conversations between me and my friends emulated this US-flavored universe, sharing music and discussing about monsters in the industry that hip hop became , about emerging artists , discovering new styles of flow , dubbing various artists as "ill" and others as "wack" made the whole high-school experience alot different to others in my generation , and made the connection with certain friends around me a lot tighter .
Needless to say , there is a flip side to that coin , i tended to become judgemental towards others , to demanding in terms of picking entourage enviroments.
At first, the thrill was "the realness" of the whole genre, the vibe it gave me as a teenager , some lyrics being spot on with what u went through in those years and some ,just placing a lucid dream ,of what "ghetto-fab" life could be, in your mind.Started with the tip of the iceberg , on digestable artists with easy going beats and catchy lyrics and then moved on to deeper and more sophisticated sounds and rhyme constructions .I was being facinated of what was opening up ahead of me, this vast universe ,completely different from mine,yet attractive ,on the few things it made me identify myself with the movement.I was in awe, completely overwhelmed.
The media frenzy that surrounded hip-hop in those years was contemporary with the age when you're hungry for knowledge, artistic identity and lifestyle guidance.The evolution of the internet ,made you part of a musical and social movement alot easier , gave you acces to tones of tunes and artists , gave you insights on their biography and foremost made you aware of the way things are turning and how lucky you are to be living those times of rapid information sharing and fast access to almost everything you would be curious about.
Naturally, years went by ,and i opened up to different things ,and realised how hip-hop, ultimately made me tolerant and hungry for quality-music , fine movies , valuable connections with people surrounding me.Now, obviously , hip-hop isn't what it used to be , which was, creative and original (even the mainstream area) , but that's ok, there's still some sun shining through ,as artists with experience in the game ,take it to different levels, at a slower rate though (couse of the tones of garbage that comes out everyday on the Internet and the Media Channels, cause you know , when you produce for huge mass consumption, the quality can't be as good as it is for a exclusive consumer market).
This was my article on hip hop , i preferred not to give names and examples ,cause it would have been pointless and not interesting ,wich i'm not sure it is, anyway :) .
People take their teenage years of rebelion to find themselves , i had those years and they've been a bit helpful but the journey is hard and takes patience and perseverence , so that being said, i'll continue this journey ,the journey we all share....
"Hip hop ain't all about hoes,money and drugs ,it's about elevate and educate as well." Christopher Wallace a.k.a Notorious BIG

joi, 3 iunie 2010

Welcome to what i would like to call "my blogging rebirth" .
This ,sadly has to be about politics, social issues and of course ,youthful despair. I would gradually like to get in the middle of things by expressing my everlasting frustrations as a proud citizen of Romania (land of choice ,says the famous super-expensive comercial, ment to put us on the civilised world's map).
The beauty of this country's desperate condition could simply be compared to the beauty of, let's say, brain cancer .
A tumor affects the centers in the brain, responsible for pain , so the body dies ,painless, yet aware of the iminent and unevoidable end.
The people, romanians , have grown as numb as their mother-country, they've gotten used to being labeled as the pus of Europe , these romantic mongrels who simply have different names , depending on the geografical area they've crawled to ( away from the rotten bosom of their country)...beggers (France) ,gipsies (Italy,UK,Austria,Switzerland,Ireland,Spain,Portugal) and thieves (Germany). Naturally ,you understand that i'm only using thin examples for the sake of literature .
There is beauty in everything . I used the word "romantic" before , because i think it suits Romania best . Romania is where "recycling" is a myth you see in Hollywood movies , the nation's capital does not have a Water Purification Plant (statie de epurare) ,roads make you fantasise of the lunar landscape, TBC is still trending and pretty deadly, senior citizens switch off one by one like short-circuited bulbs being ignored and dissrespected ,children and teenagers are tainted by the faulty educational system ,and above that ,a thick mist of oriental non-values corrupt the young ,developing generation, that is promised to finally save this nation.A cold sentence , written in blood, 20 years and a half ago, in 1989 , begins to take shape.Romania needs the pagan purification through fire (you must think i'm not feeling well ) but i will accomodate you with a brief explanation.
In this wonderful (i mean it, no irony behind the word) country things will go horribly wrong before they go NORMAL (not well) - to whom do we owe this ?National Mentality - strongly perverted by waves of disappointment sponsored by disfunctional (in all meanings of the word ) regimes and the immortal reign of this EVERLASTING DINASTY of former members of the regime people died to banish. In addition to that comes, this interesting new breed of animals , i like to call "noveau riche" ( parveniti) - results of the "wild west capitalism" that sparked in the early days of romanian democracy.Politically preferred business men, mobb-like linked union leaders, incompetent state oficials , politically tainted judges, police chiefs, hospital managers, media tycoons , all of these things make me belive the words i just said -pagan purification.
Hope you guys weren't too bored, i promise this will be my last post regarding politics .
This being my first post in english , i eagerly await your feed back on it .

miercuri, 9 decembrie 2009

2009-1989 = 0

Wow....there is a winner.The judges have reached a conclusion with the help of a majority.

Ma gandesc cat de bine ar sta poza de mai sus deasupra unei table de scris dintr-o sala de curs, din Bucuresti pana in Satu Mare, din Arad pana la Constanta.

Ma gandesc ca s-a ajuns la performanta de a avea pentru prima oara in 20 de ani de democratie un Presedinte ce reuseste "sa faca nod intre 2 mandate".

Ma gandesc ca pentru binele nostru, al celor ce ne ducem existenta inauntrul granitelor ,fratii basarabeni , capsunarii,comunitatea romana din Statele Unite si Canada, au creditat in continuare un regim de care au fost complet straini.

Ma gandesc la oamenii ce au ales sa puna un "Made in Romania" pe toata situatia, anulandu-si votul sau cazand prada injectiilor cu "comunism", "Vanghelie", "Iliescu","Moguli".

Ma gandesc ca ar trebui ca tara aceasta ,la 20 de ani dupa schimbarea unui regim ce a tinut fraiele puterii prin frica si dezinformare ,ar trebui sa comemoreze printr-un regim asemanator.

Oare s-ar fi gandit acei oameni care ,cu 20 de ani in urma se uitau increzatori in viitor ca se va ajunge, peste doua decenii sa avem parte de ,telefoane ascultate, institutii politizate,arestari comandate politic,turism electoral mai ceva ca in vremea "votului cu Uzina" din perioada comunista?

Raspunsul este NU , nu s-ar fi gandit.In schimb perversitatea clasei politice de "tranzitie" a inoculat romanului cateva concepte parca rupte din muntele Sinai :"mineriada","nu lasa comunismul sa revina" "nici unu nu-i bun dom'le, votez raul cel mai mic ".
Din acest demers a rezultat imaturitatea decizionala a celui ce are drept de vot .Sper ca peste inca 5 ani romanii sa aiba viziunea unui viitor pentru tara ce le da identitate . "E un fleac, i-am ciuruit"

luni, 16 martie 2009

Viva la Vida

"We are a very heavy soft rock band"-Chris Martin

Desi am albumul "Viva la Vida" de cand a aparut, am observat melodia "Lovers in Japan" in noaptea decernarii premiilor OSCAR.A fost fundalul pentru memoriul adus celor ce au plecat dintre noi in 2008 .Melodia este incredibila , incepe sus , visand la soarele nipon si se stinge la fel de gratios devenind o cu totul alta piesa spre final .
Acum m-am convins "londonezii" sunt singura "punte" ce leaga noul mileniu de maretia muzicii secolului trecut , au o identitate solida, au potentialul de a fi cu adevarat epici si mai presus de toate au inventat un nou stil , lucru extrem de complicat in lumea muzicala actuala.
“Some people are into bondage... and some people are into crossdressing... and some people are into Coldplay. It's okay, I don't mind being a fetish.”-Chris Martin

marți, 17 februarie 2009

Ma las pentru totdeauna ?

Asta e intrebarea care genereaza cea mai mare panica vis-a-vis de lasatul de fumat.Poti sa fumezi de 30 de ani , daca ti se spune "Lasa-te o luna" ai sa zici "Nici o problema" ...ti-ai planifica sevrajul foarte minutios te-ai gandi ca " nu ma fac pe mine tigarile nene " si cu mari dificultati ai trece testul .
O problema spinoasa ar fi renuntarea , renuntarea completa la "prostul tau obicei".Te vei gandi ca ai atatia prieteni care fumeaza , ca asociezi atatea si atatea actiuni si momente din viata ta ce pot fi savurate complet cu ajutorul unei tigari , dar totusi parca reuseai sa simti placerea in ceea ce faceai si inainte de primul fum , era ok o bere si fara o tigara, era ok o masa chiar si fara tigarea "digestiva" si sexul era ok fara tutunul de "dupa " dar nu mai are sens sa intram in polemici plictisitor de corecte si pline de o insemnatate valoroasa , sunt chiar enervante.
Important e sa te gandesti din cand in cand daca e ok ce faci ,orice decizie e buna atata timp cat este asumata . Iata si citatul ..
"E usor sa te lasi de fumat.Am facut-o de sute de ori ." Mark Twain

Ma explic..

Imi cer scuze pentru seceta recenta , am suspendat putin activitatea de pe blog pentru a ma focusa pe un al obiectiv , pe care sunt bucuros sa va anunt ca l-am adus la bun sfarsit ....deci voi continua sa va agasez cu vorba lu' Barbu ...

vineri, 6 februarie 2009

Hotel Costes Quatre

Am sa incep cu Hotel Costes .Ce este Hotel Costes ? Simplu, un hotel , restaurant si bar din inima Parisului , ce este aclamat la nivel mondial pentru compilatiile de chillout music incropite de DJ-ul Stephane Pompougnac.Un lounge de super calitate , trip hop , acid jazz pe alocuri si putin ambiental ...
Franta la patrat , locatia in sine , Hotel Costes este descrisa ca fiind un "barlog" al opulentei, unde toate lucrurile sunt in exces .De ce am ales sa tratez acest subiect? Pentru simplul fapt ca nu pot trata subiectul Oscar-uri , pentru ca imi lipsesc 2 filme din palmares pentru a ma putea pronunta , desi la Best Actor as putea sa va spun ca sunt aproape convins ca batalia se va da intre Sean Penn si Mickey Rourke (sa tineti minte).
Evident ca nu acesta este motivul pentru care am vrut sa intitulez articolul Hotel Costes ci indignarea cum ca rafinamentul este disparut complet din societatea prezenta .Aceasta compilatie are o eleganta pregnanta , de esenta tare ,iti inspira parca un bon ton , un "grande complication" de Franck Muller , este o experienta de savurat .
"Etiquette" a disparut si nu se mai intoarce.Dar poate ca nu este asa rau , poate ca burghezia constipata de care iti aduce aminte o anumita atmosfera de "ballroom" nu era benefica deloc evolutiei sociale , poate ca doar creea si mai multe trepte intre maestri si supusi .Acum delimitarile sunt clare , dar liniile care traseaza aceste delimitari sunt foarte apropiate intre ele .Automat in conceptia unora , banii si numarul lor sunt confundati cu "lumea buna ", de unde si disparitia "etiquette" da , imi asum proprietatea termenului etiquette folosesc daca vreti ca "sofisticat , pedigree,rafinat" si nu ca ,"cod de bune maniere", cum este folosit cu preponderenta .
S-a ajuns ca ghiortaitoare de foame sa isi spuna "glam" , "intunecati" unsurosi sa sofeze Bentley si "balade orientale" sa ne incante auzul la tot pasul ..; eh da , s-a schimbat placa frate , a intrat si Romania in lumea buna , avem 10 cluburi unde bei o apa cu 5 euro , si automat suntem cosmopoliti. NU INVINUIESC , nici nu ai cum sa inveti asa de repede , am inceput exercitiul din 89 , astia (din occident)il tot fac de sute de ani , dar , practice makes better .Merci de lectura ....incercati un Hotel Costes , va recomand Best Of-ul , ca sa va prinda ...
Ah , era sa uit , citatul atasat articolului este:
"Cand o societate nu mai cunoaste sau amesteca binele cu raul , ea se afla deja pe marginea prapastiei" -Constantin Brancusi